Mrs. Watson

I was a smart kid. I walked into my Kindergarten pre-screening knowing my ABC's and how to count. But I was terrified. There she was--Mrs. Watson. She looked like a witch. I ran and hid under the desk desperately trying to get out of the situation. She came and grabbed my arm and plucked me... Continue Reading →

Breathe it in, this is 32.

It has taken me almost a month to absorb the fact that I am now 32. If I live to be 96, I am a 1/3 of the way through my life. WEIRD. I am happy to say that I am actively trying to pack in as many experiences, growth opportunities and adventures as possible,... Continue Reading →

Let’s be friends.

I have been dying to write. I have been choosing other priorities over writing and I feel this itchy feeling under my skin that I just cannot quite place. I think this feeling of a low level chronic anxiousness is because I have not been able to express myself the way I need to and... Continue Reading →

Driving with Strangers.

A lot of things can happen in a short amount of time. I will make it quick, but also give my experiences what they are owed. I quit my job at Expedia. I was overqualified, underpaid, micromanaged, mislead, and breaking my trust does not work well with me...especially when I can make more money and... Continue Reading →

Emily, your turn.

I made it through the onset of my new career endeavor. 5 weeks of training later, I have felt a lot of the feels--nerves, self-doubt, insecurity, confidence, exhaustion, excitement, anxiety, anxiety and anxiety. But. I didn't miss ONE DAY. I didn't miss ONE MINUTE. I wanted to run away several times when I was faced... Continue Reading →

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